- Pass a balanced budget amendment to the United States constitution, as well as to all state and city constitutions and charters that do not already have one.
- Pass a constitutional amendment banning any attempt to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency. This is the greatest threat to your financial freedom you’ll ever know.!!!
- Allow each state to transfer the whole of their state’s debt as well as the city debts of their 3 largest cities to the federal debt upon that state’s adoption of a balanced budget amendment.
- Ban ESG scores from banking. They’re Nothing less than gov’t/corporate control of your life.
- The immediate & total abolition of all residential property & inheritance taxes & their replacement with a ten percent land value tax at the time of the property’s sale. As well as the raising of the sales tax on all tobacco products and luxury items to meet any remaining shortfall.
- Establish a tax credit for stay-at-home parents of children under 15.
- Create tuition assistance for moms & dads that have stayed home to raise their kids & wish to go back to school as long as their youngest is at least 15 years old.
- Make a portion of the payroll tax drop by one 4th for every 2nd, 3rd etc. child born to wed parents. When those parents retire, they would receive the maximum Social security pay out as long as their all children graduated a college or trade school, served or are serving in a Fire dept or Police dept, EMS and/or served in the armed forces or coast guard. While couples over 35 that were both able to have children, yet did not, would absorb the growth in the tax burden.
- Begin a fund for, at least in part, the various volunteer Fire, E.M.S. & Police departments around the country.
- Switch all federal subsidies from big business agriculture to tax cuts for those farmers with 1,500 productive acres or less (tobacco products not included).
- Pass legislation that would in its basic concept, raise the retirement age over the next 15 years to 75, (with health exemptions) while adjusting the income limit on social security taxes & make small private accounts optional. Further detailing of this issue would be useless at this stage due to the incendiary nature of the subject.
- Treat the collection of diplomat’s parking fines in each municipality as we would any other citizens, including towing and booting them.
- A 3-5-year suspension in all cost of living increases on federal pensions over a certain dollar amount yet to be determined. This would exclude any & all military pensions under the rank of O5 and those of federal law enforcement agents.
- Find a way to relieve or lower fees charged to U.S. airlines for navigational & airport usage.
- Remove all sales tax on books & e-books dealing with history, science, engineering & classical lit.
- Support the Indexing of all capital gains for inflation.
- Eliminate corporate income taxes on those businesses with more than 100 employees as long as they enact an across the board pay raise of 25% for employees making less than $75,000 yearly.
- End all corporate welfare.
- The elimination of section 230 of the communications decency act and the breakup of Google, Twitter and Facebook.
- Restore the American manufacturing base to its high-water mark by putting in place an overall economic and immigration policy so financially attractive it would ensure that all companies with manufacturing operations here in the U.S. would stay here, as well as attract companies and individuals to return from overseas. Including large tax reductions for those manufacturing companies that relocate back to the U.S. In addition, put in place business friendly immigration regulations that ensure American I.T. Businesses and universities a good supply of I.T. Savvy inventors, professors and scientist, while at the same time ensuring our national security.
- Study ways to allow American citizens to pay their taxes in Bitcoin. As well as Stop the left-wing Crypto crackdown.
- Pass legislation on both the federal & state levels barring employment discrimination against persons that have been out of work for more than 3 months.
- Appoint a professional panel to study both the feasibility & wisdom of returning to the gold standard.
- Cut the budget of every dept & agency of the federal gov’t by 10% to reduce debt.
- Eliminate the federal Dept. of Education. Immediately.
- Defer federal income tax from mariners and enroll them in the US Maritime Service.
- Modify US banking laws to promote investment in American shipping.
- Charge an 8% royalty on every barrel of oil taken from ANWAR & put it towards the national debt. And Only the national debt.
- As a general policy, whenever stock market “corrections” occur, adopt a strict governmental hands-off approach. Resist all urges to “Do Something” more than that absolutely necessary.
While the positions in the various platforms in this review shall indeed make up part of the overall party agenda, it should in no way whatsoever be seen by anyone as the final draft. Certainly, many issues have not even been touched on. While other positions already in this review need editing & additions. The party’s first executive council will take up these issues when it convenes.