ONE FINAL WORD. This party WILL NOT be just another go nowhere 3rd party in a nation of multitudes of go nowhere third parties. The C.L.P. is being established not just to compete with, but to Replace the two main parties in gov’t today. And so we shall. Our party will be built on two things- stinging, burning outrage and unending Love. Unending Love for the nation we & generations of our families and fellow Americans have fought for & called home. And outrage at those that are Intentionally corrupting, defiling and undermining its history, institutions, financial security and future. And be certain it IS most certainly Intentional.

The reason the Classical Liberal Party is even necessary is because both the Republican and (more so) Democratic parties have become so detached from any sense of reality and as a result attract overwhelmingly reluctant voters come election day. Voting for one or the other as (in the view of the voter) the lesser of two evils. This is not the reason you should be voting for anyone. Voters should not have to hold their noses as they cast their ballots & think…..

  1. Too many Democrats have attempted to turn the dictionary in to a meaningless book by redefining any word they want to mean whatever will fit their political agenda. While….
  2. Too many Republicans inject too much of a religiously centered moral element into their politics. Obsessed with who is sleeping with whom, and what people are doing (or watching) in their private lives. While….
  3. Too many Democrats become hysterical at even the mention of God and never miss a chance to push the boundaries of the morally acceptable to infinity. Obsessed with a list of never ending rights & social changes which are always at the expense of a Collective love of and identity with the United States.
  4. Too many Republicans refuse to even acknowledge the existence of the trans community as a real thing. While…
  5. Way too many Democrats see trans 4 year olds behind every tree. Every. Tree.
  6. No Republicans has ever seen a tax cut they didn’t like.
  7. No Democrat has ever seen an entitlement or gov’t program they didn’t like.
  8. Both have never missed a chance to push the national debt ever higher into the stratosphere.
  9. Too many Democrats see every square inch of the country as Biloxi MS, 1952 & refuse to acknowledge that any progress has been made in gender/race relations whatsoever. They’ve become obsessed with gender and race issues to the exclusion of almost everything else.
  10. Too many Republicans seem unwilling to make even the slightest concession to the environmentalists or that climate change has anything to do with mankind’s misuse of it. While..
  11. Too many Democrats have turned environmentalism in to a fanatical secular religion. Hysterical over every melted inch of ice or bad storm as proof of the coming apocalypse. Thus doing great harm to rational (and real) environmentalist.
  12. Too many Republicans refuse to acknowledge the right to terminate a pregnancy for any reason whatsoever. While…..
  13. Too many Democrats are supporting terminating pregnancies closer & closer to a woman’s due date. Some up to the day off. And yes- some even after.
  14. Too many Republicans have become true Republicans in name only, while most others show little passion for any issue or candidate. With of course the exception of tax cuts. While…..
  15. The Democrats in truth have turned into all but the Communist party of Amerika a long time ago. Dedicated to radically wrenching the political, social & economic orientation & structure of the country as far left as they possibly can.

Enough is enough.
It’s time to for the rational adults to be back in charge.
It’s way past time.