1. Put in place a balanced budget amendment to the constitution.
  2. Pass legislation banning politically correct speech codes on college and university campuses (regardless of their public/private status) where we aim to restore a free exchange & flow of ideas.
  3. The passage of a revised (and unambiguous) version of the second amendment so as to guarantee individuals the right to bear arms.
  4. The drafting of a comprehensive set of rules-for-the-road for the Trans community. Including a gender transitioning minimum age of no less than 18, educational guidelines, Trans worker rights (and limitations) and guidelines in regard to the Trans community and the United States Olympic committee. As well as the banning of Trans individuals from spaces & (women’s) sports biologically different than their own.
  5. Promote pro-choice yet anti-abortion reproductive policies by returning to the doctrine of legal, safe but rare abortion policies. Do this through neonatal & tax incentives, and in some cases the role back of abortion law in those states with extreme abortion policies. While at the same time guarantee a limited 12-16 week (it would have to be negotiated) abortion protection. Teach what abortion actually looks like in practice. Make abortion real to students & not just an abstract & sterile political cliché (being pro-choice). Make abortion real & you will change attitudes. Change attitudes & you’ll significantly lower the abortion rate. Don’t ban (or be the religious morality police)- educate.
  6. Put real teeth into the U.S. flag code.
  7. The review of each and every local, state and federal law currently on the books so as to root out antiquated and/or contradictory laws and either update them with modern versions or remove these laws altogether from the public scrolls.
  8. Pass eminent domain reform with much clearer & stricter rules for its use.
  9. Crackdown on the chicken, veal, pork and lamb industries dreadful treatment of their livestock and methods of waste disposal. Or…………. Lack thereof.
  10. Create a jurors list on the state level of every state that would eliminate from the jury pool of violent cases all persons that were victims of violent crimes forever.
  11. Restrict the power of all gov’t agencies to that of the enforcement of regulations, thus reserving the power to pass regulations (i.e. Laws) to where it constitutionally belongs. Make Congress do its job. Make Congress take responsibility.
  12. Replace the powerless and thus useless seat for the district of Columbia in the house of representatives with one with equal voting powers, duties & immunities as the rest of the house. The people of D.C. aren’t Norwegians. They’re as American as any other American but taxed without equal representation in Congress. Seem to remember hearing something about some war about just that issue.
  13. Spend $25 billion towards the rebuilding of the entire gulf coast & Western North Carolinian regions by redirecting the amount directly from the region’s offshore petroleum leases.
  14. Massively reinforce the U.S. border patrol with military personnel along the U.S.-Mexican border, until new border patrol agents can be hired, trained & brought online and a border wall is completely in place. End any funding of illegal residents in the areas of schooling, non-emergency medical care & any other local, state or federal governmental benefits. As well as the Immediate end to the blatantly illegal existence of sanctuary cities & states.
  15. Make election day a mandatory national holiday for everyone but essential workers (police, fire, EMS, security officers etc.).
  16. Create the Dept. of Health & Human Services post of assistant secretary of antimicrobial research and policy. As well as keep far better statistics on all forms and incidents of antimicrobial outbreaks nationally and worldwide.
  17. The reintroduction of both civics and geography as non-electives in all schools, running from 1st through 12th grades. While at the same time de-politicize both American & world history.
  18. Create an American based- American owned antibiotic industry second to none.
  19. Pass legislation banning Critical Race Theory (in any and all forms) in all public schools, grade K-12 within the United States.
  20. Raise the voting age back to 21 so that those voting will at least have some life experience in the voting booth. Exceptions to be made for under 21 members of the armed services, coast guard, police and firefighters.
  21. Reintroduce the 1949 FCC fairness doctrine with respect to national news broadcasts.
  22. The drafting of a comprehensive set of parental rights to the U. S. constitution as well as the constitutions of each and every state.
  23. Require a personal freedom impact study for all new technologies before its acquisition or use by all levels of government.
  24. Ban any & all funding, either directly or indirectly, either from citizens of the People’s Republic of China or the state itself to Hollywood projects, American educational institutions or scientific endeavors.
  25. Pass legislation banning all elected congressional and senior cabinet officials from buying any and all stocks, bonds and futures while in office and for 6 months after leaving their office.
  26. Ban outright foreign ownership of any American farmland.
  27. Add political belief to the list of protected classes in title 7 of the civil rights act of 1964.
  28. Change all local, state & federal election requirements to include any early voting to start no more than 4 days prior to the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, to vote in person unless absolutely unable to be, for which proof must be produced and state ID to be produced at all polling site, and a request With ID be made for any mail in ballot. All ballots to be paper ballots only with all electronic voting strictly banned anywhere within the United States.
  29. Make the selection of all of the FBI’s chief officers a collective decision by the National Association of Chiefs of Police by secret ballot. Thus reducing political influence & ensuring professionalism.
  30. Ban TikTok. They’re a hostile foreign operation to destroy the social stability of the entire western world as much as humanly possible. Why are we even still talking about this.
  31. Ban D.E.I. in any form in the financial, medical, travel or academic fields.
  32. Immediately pardon all January 6th individuals.
  33. Make it a priority to address China’s connection with the fentanyl crisis in the United States.
  34. Ban all internet search engines from manipulating search results to politically influence their users & instead require all such search results to be a result of previous users searches. And nothing more.
  35. Ban all Dominion electronic voting machines from use in any election and instead return to hand counted paper ballots nationwide. Without exception.

While the positions in the various platforms in this review shall indeed make up part of the overall party agenda, it should in no way whatsoever be seen by anyone as the final draft. Certainly, many issues have not even been touched on. While other positions already in this review need editing & additions. The party’s first executive council will take up these issues when it convenes.